February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I was at work today when I saw the elevator door open and a balloon pop out. My first thought was "Oh, that is so sweet, someone is already getting a Valentine's Day surprise!!" Imagine my surprise when it was my own Valentine, Garrett!! He brought me a balloon and a big box of chocolates to work! What a surprise!! Then I embarrassed him by showing everyone!

I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day Weekend! Garrett & I are going to hit the slopes next week for V-Day! Whooo Hoooo!

February 09, 2009

Hank's Birthday

Well, today is Hank's official adoption date last year. However; Hank has gone to live with Garrett's parents now so we don't get evicted from his non-stop barking. Other than that...I really miss him. I feel so bad that we didn't even have him a year. We probably would have just kept him and dealt with the consequences if it weren't for Garrett's parents. They just love the little Hanker Man to death. I think Hank and Tony will be like Dad and Fritz. This way I still get to see him and play with him..if not for that..I am not sure what I would have done. I don't care what all you Non-Hank lovers think about him! He was my little doodle. However; my house already looks cleaner and there is a table and new lamp in place of the dog cage. :-) Garrett said I was too eagerly doing my spring cleaning. Oops! I guess now, I don't have an excuse not to go the gym now! :-)

February 08, 2009

A Little Late, but Pics from Our Snow & My Trip to Texas!

Hey everyone!  I am really sorry I have not done this in so long.  It has been crazy ever since I got back from Texas.  This weekend has finally been relaxed and I have done whatever I wanted!  We finally had one decent snow a few weeks ago!  Garrett & I went to try and find a sled, but no one here sells them!  Ahh..can you believe that??  

There was still snow on the ground when Mary, Jason, Shawn, Victoria & I got on the plane to head to Texas.  Shawn finally got to use the bathroom on the plane!  What a good time we had. Violet is just perfect.  We had some good quality time out there.  We went to the Forth Worth Stockyards and to see Mitch's plane.  Jason built Mason a swing set.  I sure can't wait to see Violet & Mason again...and of course Scarlett & Mitch!  :-)  Here are pictures from our adventure!  Enjoy!